الاثنين، 25 مايو 2009

The biological father

I've a biological father who rised me up , he was responsible for my feeding , clothing , living condition, spending money on my education . But this man did not try anytime during my life to ask mewhat is my habits, what is my favorite book , my carrier choice , my inner feeling, my needs........................... This is my biological father.
But recently , and accurately since I was involved in my work as a psychiatrist . I found him the real father, he was my senior consultant psychiatrist . This man deal with me as his son . He learned me how to work ,how to deal with mentally ill people. He learned to deal with others , how to accept and to be acceptable. He provides me respect ,gratification when I deserve that . He pushed me forward when I need to be motivated " no one did that with me before" . He also criticise me and in all conditions I accept his advice

لقد علمنى ان اتقبل النقد و اعيه بعقلي لقد علمني ان ارى نفسي بصدق و ارشدني كيف اتعامل بكفاءه مع الناقد الداخلي

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. أشكره لذلك. تأثيره واضح. بارك الله فيك!

  2. مدونه رائعه بالتوفيق

  3. الاب ةالام يكملان بعضهما بالنسبه للابناء وعدم وجود احهم هو ابتلاء كبير من الله للطرف الاخر والابناءوانا اتعلمت ده بالطريقه الصعبه زى مابيقولوا
